Why Your Lift Station Should Be Cleared Of Excess Solids

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Lift stations play a critical role in moving wastewater from lower to higher elevations, ensuring the smooth flow of sewage through your system. However, when a lift station struggles to perform this essential function, it’s often due to an excess buildup of solids such as grease, sludge, and debris. Over time, these materials accumulate, clogging pumps and reducing efficiency.

Las Vegas Septic Service specializes in lift station pumping in Henderson, NV, providing professional solutions to prevent and address these issues. Here’s a closer look at why solid buildup occurs and how proper upkeep can protect your system.

What Causes Excess Solids in Lift Stations?

A lift station handles wastewater and then pumps it to treatment facilities. However, when excessive amounts of solid waste accumulate in the system, the resulting blockages and inefficiencies can be problematic and costly to address.

Wipes, hygiene products, toilet paper—common household items can cause this issue. Over time, these solids settle at the bottom, clogging the pump.

Warning Signs of Buildup

More often than not, your lift station will give off signs that it’s time to call a professional for lift station cleaning so that excess solids can be removed. Slow drainage is one of the most obvious red flags. If you notice pooling water around your drains or a sewage odor, it’s time to take action. Ignoring these signs could lead to larger problems like pump failure, which is not only inconvenient but also expensive to fix.

Why Regular Maintenance Matters

Lift station maintenance is key to avoiding excess solids buildup. A well-maintained lift station runs smoothly and keeps your home in good shape. Routine inspections and cleaning can prevent clogs and make sure that the pump is working at full capacity. By scheduling regular maintenance, you’ll catch problems early before they become costly repairs.

If you suspect excess solids are causing problems in your sewage lift station, don’t wait for the situation to worsen. Las Vegas Septic Service can inspect, clean, and maintain your system before bigger issues arise. Contact us today to schedule a service!

Contact Las Vegas Septic Service Today

If you are looking for a septic service company in Las Vegas, NV, or nearby areas, then be sure to contact us here at Las Vegas Septic Service. No matter what septic tank problem you have, we can help you, so call us today or fill out the online form to schedule your appointment.
