Lift Station Lifespan

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Lift stations work automatically and will not stop doing so making lift station maintenance an absolute must. This is because routine maintenance can cut down on the costs of repairs and extend the usable life of the station as a whole. Systems that aren’t regularly serviced are more likely to break down, requiring more time and energy to pump the same quantity of water as anticipated, which drives up operational costs.

Preventative maintenance on your wastewater or sewage lift station should be performed regularly to ensure it continues functioning properly. The following are some of the lift station maintenance measures that would increase its lifespan.

Inspect the Check Valve

You need a check valve installed in your lift station to prevent wastewater from recirculating. In your lift station, this is an essential component. If it is not functioning properly, it could lead to serious problems. For a thorough check of the check valve, the cover must be removed so that the inside may be examined for wear and tear or foreign objects. If problems are discovered, it is recommended that you seek the assistance of a professional that’s providing your lift station pumping in Henderson, NV.

Inspect the Pumps

The lift station pumps, such as the sewage ejector pump, are in charge of transporting wastewater to the treatment facility. These pumps need constant upkeep to prevent breakdowns that could lead to backups.

Other components such as the odor control system, ventilation system, alarm system, power supply system, motors, and control panel switches should also be checked regularly. Don’t forget to regularly schedule lift station cleaning to optimize system performance.

Regular maintenance is critical to the continued success of your sewage lift station. Las Vegas Septic Service specializes in lift station maintenance services. Don’t think twice about getting in touch with us. Contact us to set up an appointment.

Contact Las Vegas Septic Service Today

If you are looking for a septic service company in Las Vegas, NV, or nearby areas, then be sure to contact us here at Las Vegas Septic Service. No matter what septic tank problem you have, we can help you, so call us today or fill out the online form to schedule your appointment.
