Lift stations play a crucial role in wastewater management by efficiently transporting sewage from your home. However, there are different kinds of lift stations for different needs. Las Vegas Septic Service explains some of the most common types below:
1. Submersible Lift Station
A submersible lift station is a type of sewage lift station that operates with a submersible pump placed directly in the sewage pit. It efficiently lifts wastewater from lower to higher elevations, offering a compact and cost-effective solution for sewage management in various residential, commercial, and municipal applications.
2. Dry-Pit Lift Station
A dry-pit lift station, also known as a dry well lift station, houses a sewage ejector pump that efficiently pumps wastewater from a lower elevation to a higher one. This type of lift station is suitable for areas where groundwater is not a concern and offers convenient access for maintenance and repairs.
Choosing a lift station that suits your household needs will help ensure efficient wastewater management. For quality lift station pumping in Henderson, NV, look no further than Las Vegas Septic Service. We specialize in the maintenance and installation of lift stations and sewer systems and can provide you with reliable services. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.


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If you are looking for a septic service company in Las Vegas, NV, or nearby areas, then be sure to contact us here at Las Vegas Septic Service. No matter what septic tank problem you have, we can help you, so call us today or fill out the online form to schedule your appointment.