The Difference Between Lift Stations and Sump Pumps

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There are two main ways to get water out of your basement in case of a flood: a lift station or a sump pump. Las Vegas Septic Service is the most reliable provider of lift station pumping in Las Vegas, NV, and can help you differentiate the two. Lift stations and sump pumps are primary subsurface drainage (PSD) systems that remove excess water from the basement via drains or pipes. Here are their main differences:

Lift Stations

A lift station pumps water to a nearby storm drain. It is typically used in areas with insufficient groundwater or low-lying areas that collect water. Most lift stations have two parts: an underground tank called a cistern or well and a pump inside the house. The cistern holds water that has been drained from the home. The pump kicks on and pumps water to a storm drain when it fills up. You can also use the pump to drain water from a sump pit. Regular lift station cleaning is necessary to ensure its durability and efficiency.

Lift stations are best for those in low-lying areas that get water regularly. Because all the water flows through one pipe into a cistern, less water is pumped out of the house. Proper lift station maintenance reduces the risk of flooding in your home, which occurs when water can’t get out of the basement quickly enough.

Sump Pumps

This is a small pump installed in a pit on the basement floor called a sump pit. It pumps water out of the basement and into the ground. Sump pumps are used in areas with high groundwater but can also work in low-lying areas when used with a sewage ejector pump. Some homeowners prefer sump pumps over lift stations because they can be installed on the floor or the wall, whereas a cistern or well will take up space in the backyard.

Sump pumps are best for those with high groundwater. In areas with high groundwater, the water drains into the ground, which can lead to water back up in the house or basement. Sump pumps are ideal for homeowners near rivers or streams that swell with water during flood events. The pump can be placed on the floor or the wall to save space.

For quality sewage lift station services, look no further than Las Vegas Septic Service. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Contact Las Vegas Septic Service Today

If you are looking for a septic service company in Las Vegas, NV, or nearby areas, then be sure to contact us here at Las Vegas Septic Service. No matter what septic tank problem you have, we can help you, so call us today or fill out the online form to schedule your appointment.
