An optimally functioning septic system is an integral part of an optimally functioning household. Otherwise, wastewater from the house would have nowhere to go and end up creating a huge mess. Needless to say, septic systems require regular cleaning and maintenance for them to function effectively. An essential part of their maintenance is septic tank pumping, and since septic systems contain hazardous fumes and waste, it’s imperative to choose a professional for your septic tank pumping in Las Vegas, NV.
Contact us when you notice these problems with your septic system.
Unpleasant Odors
Every appliance in your home that uses water, such as washing machines, showers, dishwashers, and tubs, all drain into the septic tank. That means that all solid waste and liquid end up in the septic tank, and when the tank is full, it will start to smell. The odor is caused by excess waste escaping from your home’s septic tank, a sign that it’s time to schedule septic services.
Frequent or Slow Drain Clogs
Showers, sinks, and toilets are connected to the network of drains in your home that drain into the septic tank. Consequently, blocked or full septic systems cause slow drains. So if you frequently have to deal with clogged drains in your home, it could be time to hire a professional for septic tank cleaning. It helps to clear the blockages and ensure that your drains function efficiently.
Sewage Backup
Raw sewage backing up into your home can cause flooding consisting of unsanitary waste products that could lead to health problems. Regular septic pumping, combined with septic tank maintenance, can easily help you avoid sewage backups.
It’s Long Overdue
How often you pump a septic tank is based on various factors, including the size of the tanks and how big your household is. To be on the safe side, make sure to have your septic tank pumped once every three years.
Understanding and recognizing the above signs can help to avoid costly consequences. Contact Las Vegas Septic Service today for efficient septic tank pumping.


Our Services
Contact Las Vegas Septic Service Today
If you are looking for a septic service company in Las Vegas, NV, or nearby areas, then be sure to contact us here at Las Vegas Septic Service. No matter what septic tank problem you have, we can help you, so call us today or fill out the online form to schedule your appointment.