Any food containing fat, oil, or grease, better known as FOG, that will enter the sewage system, will require that you install a grease trap. Failure to do so can cause the FOG to become hard and stick to the sides of the sewer pipe. A backed-up grease trap and a clogged sewer pipe can be avoided with Las Vegas Septic Service. Here are other grease trap issues you can avoid with our help.
Incorrect Sizing
Your grease trap interceptor will need to be the correct size based on the flow rate. The size is calculated by multiplying the length times the depth times the width of your sink. Take that answer and divide by 231. Why 231 you ask? It is the number of cubic inches in a gallon of water. This quotient is your flow rate. Divide the quotient by .75 to determine the adequate grease trap size.
Professional grease trap services will answer any questions you have regarding the size, maintenance, and cleaning of the grease trap. Let’s face it, checking a grease trap is going to be the last thing on your mind at the end of the day. However, it is important to stay compliant with EPA requirements and to avoid costly repairs.
Infrequent Cleaning
Grease trap cleaning in Las Vegas, NV is one of the most frequent tasks you will need to perform. The frequency of cleaning is typically around one to three months, you will want to monitor your grease trap and clean it when it gets to one-fourth capacity. You do not want a terrible smell coming from your kitchen.
Failure Due to Lack of Maintenance
Once it reaches a quarter of the capacity you will want to schedule a grease trap maintenance appointment. Having the grease trap pumped should resolve any bad odors. Small grease traps can be pumped inside the facility.
Running a business and keeping up with customer demand is difficult enough. Stay compliant and odor-free with regular grease trap pumping. Contact Las Vegas Septic Service to provide all your grease trap needs.


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Contact Las Vegas Septic Service Today
If you are looking for a septic service company in Las Vegas, NV, or nearby areas, then be sure to contact us here at Las Vegas Septic Service. No matter what septic tank problem you have, we can help you, so call us today or fill out the online form to schedule your appointment.