Las Vegas Septic Service inspecting a septic tank

Septic systems are critical for regulating your wastewater and keeping your home sanitary. Remember, however, that what you flush down the toilet or sink can significantly impact your septic system. Some “flushable” items can be surprisingly deceptive—seemingly harmless until they cause major, irreversible problems. Las Vegas Septic Service is the company to call for high-quality…

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Las Vegas Septic Service technician inspecting a septic system

Homes that aren’t connected to a municipal sewer line need functional septic systems for proper waste treatment. One crucial, yet often overlooked, aspect to keeping your septic system functioning smoothly is maintaining the balance of bacteria inside the tank. These bacteria allow the system to operate without issues. But how do you maintain that balance?…

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lift station

Lift stations play a critical role in moving wastewater from lower to higher elevations, ensuring the smooth flow of sewage through your system. However, when a lift station struggles to perform this essential function, it’s often due to an excess buildup of solids such as grease, sludge, and debris. Over time, these materials accumulate, clogging…

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